I always knew I wanted to write in a world about the fae. I have been fascinated with them since I was a little girl, reading about the Tuatha Dé Danann. When I started writing Remnant Archives five years ago there were very little thorough fae stories out there and most of them were about a human that falls into the world of Faerie. I wanted something different and so I created my own outtake. I know hardcore fae lovers won't love all the liberties I took with fae mythology but honestly that is the best thing about being an author...you can make your own world, not bound by social expectations...unfortunately it will get judged that way....I go off topic here...
The point of this post is really to show off my new improved map! I'll be the first to fully admit that as prepared as I felt to publish my book...I was not. But I also am so happy I did it when I did for two reasons. One. I got over that impossible fear. I cannot tell you how hard my heart was racing that night when I hit publish. Two. If I didn't push that book out, someone else would...meaning that the next great story wouldn't be mine unless I sent it, it would be someone else.
But through that process some things got messy. My edits were not as thorough as I liked them to be...and my map was cropped and incomplete. My biggest fear is giving indie authors out there a bad rap for not being polished enough. My goal this second time around is to make sure that this second book is a shiny bit of GOLD, so gorgeous that it outshines all the others...hey, an indie author can dream can't she?
Anyway. Enjoy this new release of the map. It will be uploaded so that all books from here on out have a newly polished version.
Also. Just want to say...to those who didn't get the polished shine I hoped for but still loved the book anyway. Thank you. Your kindness is always welcome here.
